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Stars to Stories – January 2020 Horoscopes


Hello, and welcome to the first Stars to Stories of this new decade. I’m glad to have you here!

The calendars have been switched out now, but unfortunately, we’re not out of the season of eclipses yet—where sudden surprises may have jarringly opened wide whole other sets of possibilities and options.

Unfortunately, I’ve heard of multiple instances of harm happening in this choppy time to the point that it’s asking me to acknowledge in an overt manner, so here’s straightforward PSA:

Take time to listen to the primal, child-like needs of your body and the bodies around you. Slow down. No, really. Slow down.

It’s winter—the perfect time to prioritize sleep and hearty eating. Give yourself ample time for peace, quiet, and non-activity. Relax with the good folks around you. It’s not the time to push a pumped up schedule, and doing less can sometimes be the most strategic way forward.

Also, please don’t assume safety. Getting blithely lulled into precarity or non-awareness can happen quickly, but can also be avoided. Be as conscious of your surroundings as you can and pay attention to what’s going on in them. People and environments may not be acting predictably in this period. Listen to that the first time you pick up on it and dodge when necessary. If you didn’t or can’t, ask for people to tend to you, and we will.

The first couple weeks of the new year might not be as smooth as hoped, but why rush? We’ve got all of 2020 to figure out how this new duration works.

The story of this year isn’t written until we write it. What came in years before might be indicative, but it isn’t final law. We’ve got 366 days to reinvent this thing over and over until we like what we see happening. Go ahead, try it. Baptize each day fresh and anew however you see fit.

Equip yourselves well, look out for one another, and let’s empower each other to transmute our wounds in significant ways until we’re dumbstruck by the allies that emerge out of the demons we once thought they were. We are all so much more powerful than we think we are.

Sending you lots of love from Los Angeles to all the places you inhabit. May you feel guided by what’s beyond.

xo Laura

Scroll down for horoscopes by sign and read for your ascendant or rising sign if possible.

(If you’re curious to find your rising sign, go to astro-seek.com. After you enter your birth information look to the left of the circle to the line that says ASC. If you’re intrigued, confused, or both intrigued and confused you can email me at starstostories@gmail.com for a consultation.)


There’s a lot of focus on your public work right now, although it may be because of frustrations occurring with a boss or board that has some authority over what it is you do. The full moon solar eclipse on the 10th of January will pull out some polarity over what is going on with your home, family, or ancestors and the amount of time you’ve been spending on achievement. If the emotions feel unbearably subterranean, find ways to pull back and retreat if necessary. It’ll feel good to receive instead of trying to force your way forward.



The full moon lunar eclipse on January 10th creates another climax in the narrative of events surrounding a sibling or local neighborhood issues that started last summer. The abruptness coming in will have a substantial effect on your beliefs or education plans. Communications speed up as the month progresses, but hopefully, so does clarity about such matters. By the new moon on the 24th the dust will have settled a bit, and you’ll be feeling more prepared to build something long-lasting in the public eye or with your career.



Has everything been about money lately for you? Money coming in, money going out, money you earn or earned or owe? While the debts or joint resources you’re connected to may feel overwhelming at times, the full moon lunar eclipse on January 10th speeds developments along in terms of the prices you pay or the salary you make. Ensure that you have wise people around that you can consult or get a professional opinion on the best way to manage your possessions or consolidate debt. By the last week of the month, you may feel more optimistic in your beliefs or way forward with higher education.



Your partnerships and personal relationships have a lot of weight to them right now. With the full moon solar eclipse on January 10th, a lot of tension emerges between what’s going on with other people and what your needs are. Do you keep changing your mind or have problems making decisions? Feel pulled by strong currents that fluctuate frequently? Do what you can to ground yourself, but have faith in the flow process. If a final call needs to be made on how to share resources, get right with yourself first before you consider the emotions of others.



Your health and daily habits have an abrupt spotlight on them now, and routines may need shaking up a bit. If things are feeling overly serious, find second opinions, and levity where you can. Help can come from taking a break, a retreat, a long weekend doing nothing, so seek out the respite before the respite forces you down. Your vitality and confidence should be on the upswing in the second half of January. A partner may be of tremendous help around the new moon on the 24th once the eclipses are over.



Of all the signs, you and Pisces may be faring the best at this time. Even though your home sign’s ruling planet, Mercury, is undergoing a revitalization right now, the full moon lunar eclipse on the 10th will take place in the lucky part of your chart involving friends, organizations, and the benefits from your career. Be on the lookout for help from high places and the groups that have your back. Any perks that get sent your way may create better opportunities for work and daily habits by the new moon on the 24th at the end of the month.



If the December 25th eclipse provided you with upheavals involving home and family, the following full moon lunar eclipse on January 10th will draw your attention to career matters and your public standing on the opposite side of the spectrum. If you’re feeling more assertive than usual in promoting yourself or your work, make sure to keep a balanced schedule and maintain health regimens during this time. With a lot of changes and movement going on, it’s good to ground as much as you can. Don’t overdo it, even if it’s fun to do so.



The full moon lunar eclipse on January 10th falls in the area of your chart concerning higher education, foreign travel, publishing, and spiritual beliefs. Is there a shift going on for you in terms of broadcasting your ideas and skill set? You may have trouble balancing your loftier aspirations with the demands placed on you by siblings or neighbors. The end of the month will require you to focus back on home and family around the new moon on the 24th. Make sure you’re not neglecting your duties even while you’re enjoying reaching for something beyond.



If you’ve been preoccupied with broader money issues because of some unexpected shakeups, especially within the last year, the full moon lunar eclipse on January 10th will continue to draw out some of those fears about what you owe and what you make. Confronting what scares you or your beliefs about individual versus shared resources could be beneficial in balancing out day-to-day efforts in bringing cash in. Look to who you can rely on and make sure to have clear expectations laid out about what work situations won’t wear you down—you got this.



There is so much going on with your vitality and identity right now—I hope you’re able to catch a break when you need one! Luckily for you, most of 2020 will have Jupiter crossing through the most individual part of your chart and bringing with it healing, belief, and expansion. If there’s a lot you feel ambitious about on a personal level, know that correcting and amending your partnerships could help. The full moon lunar eclipse on the 10th will stir up events that started last summer involving a close relationship. The last week of the month could make for provocative and stinging communication. If conflict ensues, take the problem solving as thoroughly and thoughtfully as you can.



Right now is a good time for solitude for you, the specific kind of solitude that helps you focus on maintaining a stable routine and good health practices. If you’ve been struggling with any illness or pet-related issues, taking time for meditative spiritual retreat could be the kind of soothing you need. However, there is prudence in learning the differences between isolation and respite—make sure to reach out to others if the weight of your aloneness gets too heavy. No matter what you’re going through, someone out there has been there before and might have words for you that could help.



You may be luckier than many this month, Pisces! The full moon lunar eclipse on the 10th will take place in the part of your chart involving risks, fun, children, and romance. However, be mindful that the choices you make at this time could be drawing out old baggage from the past around work or friendship. If you party too hard to celebrate the opening of 2020, by the new moon on the 24th you may feel the need to regroup and retreat if you’ve been going too big. Make sure you haven’t neglected any household duties at least by the month’s end.

Note: these horoscopes are intended as words of stimulation and suggestion, not as cardinal rule or unbiased fact. By engaging with this page, you agree that all choices made based on the information provided in this column are your responsibility alone. Take a breath and be well!

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